After we went to a lecture at b.a.d. we had to go out and explore a bit more. We had to search for lines and register them by illustrations, pictures and descriptions. I worked on this particular project with Jerry and Lisa. It was mostly just cold.

The reason I chose these pictures, texts and illustrations is because of the way each method captures the object/line. Some methods really belonged to their outcomes. I liked how this turned out!

Beside the way it turned out, I also liked the method of going out as a little group and capturing these lines in a different way. You all captured the same thing but the way it looks is different each time. Pretty cool.

However it was also kinda hard to pick out the lines. You see them everywhere but for example capturing them with the method you had could be a bit hard some times. Which is also what makes this more interesting.
Reflective lines on a (bright) orange background
Red and white reflective lines tell you about the danger.
Lines telling you a speed bump is coming up.
The rectangle shows where to put your mail.
Large rectangle planks tell pedestrians where to go.